20130422 frey50
- Glencoe Medical Laboratory Procedures combines theory with hands-on practice of the procedures most frequently performed in the physician's office laboratory. Learning to perform basic tests manually gives students a clear understanding of the theory behind the test, as well as an understanding of how the automated laboratory equipment works. It's current in the new lab procedures set by CLIA and OSHA, Universal Precautions, and quality control. Follows the 1997 AAMA Role Delineation Study Areas of Competence. = New York :
0028020146 9780028020143
- Glencoe Medical Laboratory Procedures combines theory with hands-on practice of the procedures most frequently performed in the physician's office laboratory. Learning to perform basic tests manually gives students a clear understanding of the theory behind the test, as well as an understanding of how the automated laboratory equipment works. It's current in the new lab procedures set by CLIA and OSHA, Universal Precautions, and quality control. Follows the 1997 AAMA Role Delineation Study Areas of Competence. = New York :
0028020146 9780028020143