Samarkand (notice n° 167693)
[ vue normale ]
000 -Label | |
leader | 01432nam a2200133 4500 |
010 ## - ISBN | |
ISBN | 9780349106168 |
qualificatif | br. |
disponibilité et/ou prix | 120 dh. |
100 ## - Données générales de traitement | |
données générales de traitement | 20190514d u||y0frey50 ba |
101 ## - Langue | |
langue du document | anglais |
langue de l'oeuvre originale | français |
200 ## - Titre | |
titre propre | Samarkand |
type de document | Littérature, Langues et Religions |
complément du titre | Translated by Russell Harris |
Auteur | Amin Maalouf |
Auteur secondaire | Translated by Russell Harris |
210 ## - Editeur | |
nom de l'éditeur | Abacus |
date de publication | Cop 1992. |
lieu de fabrication | London |
215 ## - Description | |
Importance matérielle | 1 volume de 309 pages |
autres carac. matérielles | Couverture illustrée en couleurs |
format | 20 cm. |
330 ## - Résumé | |
Résumé | Accused of mocking the inviolate codes of Islam, the Persian poet and sage Omar Khayyam fortuitously finds sympathy with the very man who is to judge his alleged crimes. Recognising genius, the judge decides to spare him and gives him instead a small, blank book, encouraging him to confine his thoughts to it alone. Thus begins the seamless blend of fact and fiction that is Samarkand. Vividly re-creating the history of the manuscript of the Rubaiyaat of Omar Khayyam, Amin Maalouf spans continents and centuries with breathtaking vision: the dusky exoticism of 11th-century Persia, with its poetesses and assassins; the same country's struggles nine hundred years later, seen through the eyes of an American academic obsessed with finding the original manuscript; and the fated maiden voyage of the Titanic, whose tragedy led to the Rubaiyaat's final resting place - all are brought to life with keen assurance by this gifted and award-winning writer |
700 ## - Auteur | |
koha internal code | 308 |
auteur | Maalouf |
partie du nom autre que l'élément d'entrée | Amin |
dates | 1949-.... |
code de fonction | Auteur |
Propriétaire | dépositaire permanent | niveau de localisation | Code barre | cote | Statut | note |
Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat | Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat | 3ème étage | 69736 | 843 MAA | Empruntable | NEW 2019 |