Essentials of world regional geography (notice n° 92572)

000 -Label
leader 02553nam a2200265 4500
001 - Numéro de notice
Numéro d'identification notice UNI0000317
005 - Numéro d'identification de la version
Numéro d'identification de la version 20140919155136.0
010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 0073522813
010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9780073522814
100 ## - Données générales de traitement
données générales de traitement 20130301 frey50
101 ## - Langue
langue du document anglais
102 ## - Pays de publication ou de production
lieu de publication (code non-ISO) ??
105 ## - Zone de données codées : textes, monographies
données codées - monographies y |y
200 ## - Titre
titre propre Essentials of world regional geography
Auteur Michael J. Bradshaw, George W. White, Joseph P. Dymond, Elizabeth Chacko
type de document Livre
210 ## - Editeur
lieu de publication New York
nom de l'éditeur McGraw-Hill
date de publication 2008
215 ## - Description
Importance matérielle 364 p.
format 28 cm
300 0# - Note
note This shorter version of the highly successful Contemporary World Regional Geography , 2e gives readers a fresh new approach that combines fundamental geographical elements, internal regional diversity, and contemporary issues. This approach allows serious discussion of cultural and environmental issues, as well as political and economic issues. The main innovation in this completely rewritten text is in the ordering of the material covered. While other texts cut photos, illustrations, and boxed material from their WRG books, this essentials version is a completely rewritten text by the authors of Contemporary World Regional Geography , 2e. Each of the nine regional chapters opens with a one- or two-page map of the region, short accounts of people or events to provide a personal flavor of the region, an outline of the chapter contents, and a short section placing the region in its wider global context. Each regional chapter is consistently organized by three sections. The first section summarizes the distinctive physical and human geographies of the region; the second section explores the internal diversity of the region at subregional, selected country, and local levels. The third section focuses on a selection of contemporary issues that are important to the people of each region and frequently have implications for the rest of the world. Each regional chapter follows the same framework, allowing students to easily make comparisons from one world region to the next. Students are encouraged to consider what it means to be part of a global community and to develop their geographical understandings of world events. The authors have created a text that is readable, with a consistent structure within chapters, containing superior maps and illustrations, and finally – to offer a concise and more affordable text.
606 ## - sujets
sujet Geography
code du système d'indexation lc
676 ## - classification
indice Dewey 910
langue d'édition eng
702 #1 - Nom de personne - mention de responsabilité secondaire
nom Bradshaw,
prénom Michael J.
koha internal code 2494
720 ## - nom générique de famille - mention de responsabilité principale
code de fonction Auteur
721 ## - nom générique de famille - coauteur
code de fonction Auteur
722 ## - nom générique de famille - mention de responsabilité secondaire
code de fonction Auteur
801 #0 - source de catalogage
agence de catalogage DCLC
règles de catalogage utilisées AACR2
date de la transaction 19130301
Propriétaire dépositaire permanent niveau de localisation Code barre cote Statut note
Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat 2ème étage 47170 910 ESS Exclu du prêt New
Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat 2ème étage 47169 910 ESS Exclu du prêt New

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