Prophet of innovation (notice n° 92600)

000 -Label
leader 02728nam a2200265 4500
001 - Numéro de notice
Numéro d'identification notice UNI0000312
005 - Numéro d'identification de la version
Numéro d'identification de la version 20140919155137.0
010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 0674034813
010 ## - ISBN
ISBN 9780674034815
100 ## - Données générales de traitement
données générales de traitement 20130227 frey50
101 ## - Langue
langue du document anglais
102 ## - Pays de publication ou de production
lieu de publication (code non-ISO) ??
105 ## - Zone de données codées : textes, monographies
données codées - monographies y |y
200 ## - Titre
titre propre Prophet of innovation
complément du titre joseph schumpeter and creative destruction
Auteur Thomas K. McCraw
type de document Livre
205 ## - Mention d'édition
mention d'édition 1st ed.
210 ## - Editeur
lieu de publication Cambridge
-- Massachusetts
-- London
nom de l'éditeur The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
date de publication 2007
215 ## - Description
Importance matérielle 719 p.
format 24 cm
300 0# - Note
note Pan Am, Gimbel’s, Pullman, Douglas Aircraft, Digital Equipment Corporation, British Leyland—all once as strong as dinosaurs, all now just as extinct. Destruction of businesses, fortunes, products, and careers is the price of progress toward a better material life. No one understood this bedrock economic principle better than Joseph A. Schumpeter. “Creative destruction,” he said, is the driving force of capitalism. Described by John Kenneth Galbraith as “the most sophisticated conservative” of the twentieth century, Schumpeter made his mark as the prophet of incessant change. His vision was stark: Nearly all businesses fail, victims of innovation by their competitors. Businesspeople ignore this lesson at their peril—to survive, they must be entrepreneurial and think strategically. Yet in Schumpeter’s view, the general prosperity produced by the “capitalist engine” far outweighs the wreckage it leaves behind. During a tumultuous life spanning two world wars, the Great Depression, and the early Cold War, Schumpeter reinvented himself many times. From boy wonder in turn-of-the-century Vienna to captivating Harvard professor, he was stalked by tragedy and haunted by the specter of his rival, John Maynard Keynes. By 1983—the centennial of the birth of both men— Forbes christened Schumpeter, not Keynes, the best navigator through the turbulent seas of globalization. Time has proved that assessment accurate. Prophet of Innovation is also the private story of a man rescued repeatedly by women who loved him and put his well-being above their own. Without them, he would likely have perished, so fierce were the conflicts between his reason and his emotions. Drawing on all of Schumpeter’s writings, including many intimate diaries and letters never before used, this biography paints the full portrait of a magnetic figure who aspired to become the world’s greatest economist, lover, and horseman—and admitted to failure only with the horses.
676 ## - classification
indice Dewey 330.122092
langue d'édition eng
700 #1 - Auteur
auteur McCraw,
partie du nom autre que l'élément d'entrée Thomas K.
koha internal code 2534
720 ## - nom générique de famille - mention de responsabilité principale
code de fonction Auteur
721 ## - nom générique de famille - coauteur
code de fonction Auteur
722 ## - nom générique de famille - mention de responsabilité secondaire
code de fonction Auteur
801 #0 - source de catalogage
agence de catalogage DCLC
règles de catalogage utilisées AACR2
date de la transaction 19130227
Propriétaire dépositaire permanent niveau de localisation Code barre cote Statut note
Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat 2ème étage 47079 330.122 092 MCC Exclu du prêt New
Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat 2ème étage 47080 330.122 092 MCC Exclu du prêt New

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