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Declutter your mind : how to stop worrying, relieve anxiety, and eliminate negative thinking / Barrie Davenport, Steve "S. J." Scott [ Livre]

Auteur principal: Davenport, Barrie, Auteur IdrefAuteur secondaire: Scott, Steve J., Auteur IdrefLangue : anglais.Publication : Description : 1 vol. (155 p.) ; 23 cmISBN : 9781535575089; 1535575085.Dewey : 155.9042, 23Résumé : Declutter Your Mind details the habits, actions, and mindsets you can use to clean up the mental clutter that might be holding you back from being more focused and mindful. Wall Street Journal bestselling authors S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport show how to change a specific aspect of your life that might be causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed. This book is for anyone who recognizes how their untamed thoughts are interfering with their focus, productivity, happiness, and peace of mind. If you want to feel less stressed or simply eliminate your negative thinking - then be sure to purchase your copy of Declutter Your Mind. -- from back cover.Sujet - Nom commun: Gestion du stress | Psychologie | Self-actualization (Psychology) | Self-management (Psychology) | Stress management -- Psychological aspects | Time management -- Psychological aspects | Goal (Psychology) | Orderliness -- Psychological aspects | Simplicity -- Psychological aspects | Self-help techniques | Orderliness -- Psychological aspects
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque de l'Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Casablanca
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque de l'Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion de Casablanca
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155.24 What happened to you? 155.24 What happened to you? 155.9042 Declutter your mind 155.9042 Declutter your mind 155.9042 Declutter your mind 155.9042 Declutter your mind 158 Rebondir après une pandémie

Declutter Your Mind details the habits, actions, and mindsets you can use to clean up the mental clutter that might be holding you back from being more focused and mindful. Wall Street Journal bestselling authors S.J. Scott and Barrie Davenport show how to change a specific aspect of your life that might be causing you to feel stressed or overwhelmed. This book is for anyone who recognizes how their untamed thoughts are interfering with their focus, productivity, happiness, and peace of mind. If you want to feel less stressed or simply eliminate your negative thinking - then be sure to purchase your copy of Declutter Your Mind. -- from back cover

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