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Sur l’analyse d’une classe de processus Stochastiques [] / BENNAR Abdelkrim

Auteur principal: BENNAR,, AbdelkrimPublication : Résumé : In this paper, we have considered the stochastic stability for delay systems. Using the semigroup approach , we have stabilized the system by feedback on its state if it has a complete observation or by feedback on a compensator if it is partially observe.Note d thèse : .Sujet - Nom commun: MATHS --
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Bibliothèque de la Faculté des Sciences Ben M’Sick
Rez de chaussee
XX(85635.1) (Parcourir l'étagère) Disponible


In this paper, we have considered the stochastic stability for delay systems. Using the semigroup approach , we have stabilized the system by feedback on its state if it has a complete observation or by feedback on a compensator if it is partially observe


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