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Is remote working shaping the future of work ? [ Livre] / Suzy Canivenc, Marie-Laure Cahier ; foreword by Gervais Pellissier ; edited by Chaire FIT², Futurs de l'industrie et du travail

Auteur principal: Canivenc, Suzy, 1980-...., Auteur IdrefCo-auteur: Cahier, Marie-Laure, Auteur IdrefAuteur secondaire collectivité: Mines ParisTech, Chaire Futurs de l'industrie et du travail-formation, innovation, territoires, Editeur scientifique IdrefLangue : anglais ; de l'oeuvre originale, français.Publication : Paris : Presses des Mines-Transvalor : la Fabrique de l'industrie, Cop 2021., impr 2021.Description : 1 volume de 134 pages : Illustré en couleurs, couverture illustrée en couleurs ; 23 cm.ISBN : 9782356717047.Collection: Les notes de la Fabrique, 2495-1706, 35EDewey : 331.256 8, 23Classification : Résumé : Before 2020, remote working was a limited but growing practice in many French companies. The Covid-19 crisis forced many of them to partly remove the prejudices they could still have about working at home. A new era is beginning... This book intends to raise the question of remote working beyond the pandemic episode and what it teaches us. It outlines the future of work in the light of this unprecedented experience. Based on hearings with experts (sociologists, ergonomists, HR managers, local managers, etc.) and the review of academic studies and reports, it provides international benchmarks and points of attention for all entities that must redesign the organization of work and its balance : management, spaces, work time, digital tools, communication... The book brings to light debates that are not yet settled, such as the thorny question of eligibility for remote working and the potential inequalities of access, the expected productivity of remote working, its impact on social ties, trust, collaboration, innovation and creativity. It is indeed a hybrid work - on site and at a distance - that we need to prepare from today. This study will be of interest to companies faced with these organizational and managerial transformations, and more particularly to HR, real estate departments, digital transformation departments, trade unionists and employee representatives, consultants, but also to all managers who are faced with these challenges on a daily basis.Sujet - Nom commun: Télétravail -- France -- 2000- | Entreprises -- Réorganisation -- France -- 2000-
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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331.256 8 CAN (Parcourir l'étagère) Disponible Dons 2025
 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
Rez de chaussee
331.256 8 CAN (Parcourir l'étagère) Disponible Dons 2025
 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
Rez de chaussee
331.256 8 CAN (Parcourir l'étagère) Disponible Dons 2025

Traduit du français

Bibliographie et webliographie pages 124-131

Before 2020, remote working was a limited but growing practice in many French companies. The Covid-19 crisis forced many of them to partly remove the prejudices they could still have about working at home. A new era is beginning... This book intends to raise the question of remote working beyond the pandemic episode and what it teaches us. It outlines the future of work in the light of this unprecedented experience.
Based on hearings with experts (sociologists, ergonomists, HR managers, local managers, etc.) and the review of academic studies and reports, it provides international benchmarks and points of attention for all entities that must redesign the organization of work and its balance : management, spaces, work time, digital tools, communication... The book brings to light debates that are not yet settled, such as the thorny question of eligibility for remote working and the potential inequalities of access, the expected productivity of remote working, its impact on social ties, trust, collaboration, innovation and creativity.
It is indeed a hybrid work - on site and at a distance - that we need to prepare from today. This study will be of interest to companies faced with these organizational and managerial transformations, and more particularly to HR, real estate departments, digital transformation departments, trade unionists and employee representatives, consultants, but also to all managers who are faced with these challenges on a daily basis

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