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Evolution / Douglas J. Futuyma. [ Livre]

Auteur principal: Futuyma,, Douglas J.Langue : anglais.Pays : ??.Publication : U.S.A : : Sinauer Associates Inc,, 2005.Description : (603 p. ) : ill. en coul. , couv.ill.en coul. ; ; 28 cmISBN : 0878931872; 9780878931873.
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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576.8 FUT (Parcourir l'étagère) Exclu du prêt New
 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
2ème étage
576.8 FUT (Parcourir l'étagère) Exclu du prêt New
Survol Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat Étagères , Localisation : 2ème étage Fermer le survol d'étagère
576.509 END A guinea pig's history of biology 576.509 SCH In pursuit of the gene 576.509 SCH In pursuit of the gene 576.8 FUT Evolution 576.8 FUT Evolution 576.8 MIN The evolving world : 576.8 RUS Evolution :

In its scope and emphases, Evolution is a readily recognized descendant of the author's previous textbook, Evolutionary Biology. However, it is much shorter and is exclusively directed toward an undergraduate audience. Teachers and students will find the list of important concepts and terms in each chapter a helpful guide, and will appreciate the radically different dynamic figures and lively photographs. The content of all chapters has been updated, and material has been reorganized into new chapters such as "Conflict and Cooperation" and "How To Be Fit." Contributors Scott M. Edwards and John R. True have provided authoritative chapters on "Evolution of Genes and Genomes" and "Development and Evolution," two of the most rapidly developing subjects in evolutionary biology. A new final chapter on "Evolutionary Science, Creationism, and Society" treats such topics as the nature of science and the practical applications of evolutionary biology.

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