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The living world / George Johnson. [ Livre]

Auteur principal: Johnson,, George.Langue : anglais.Pays : ??.Mention d'édition: 5th ed.Publication : USA : : McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math,, 2007.Description : (812.) : ill. en coul., couv.ill.en coul.; ; 28,2 cmISBN : 0073256536 ; 9780073256535 .Dewey : 570, eng
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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Cutting edge biological concepts delivered with a greater emphasis on evolution and a logical use of analogies. George Johnson���s textbook, The Living World is often considered to be a student favorite. Dr. Johnson has written this non-majors textbook from the ground up to be an engaging and accessible learning tool with an emphasis on "how things work and why things happen the way they do" . This authoritative textbook features a straightforward, clear writing style and a wide variety of media assets to enhance the content of the textbook. The strength of the fifth edition is the integration of many tools that are designed to inspire both students and instructors. The multi-media package for the new edition stretches students beyond the confines of the traditional textbook to include high interest video clips and animations of key biological concepts.

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