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Traditions & encounters : : a brief global history / Jerry Bentley, Herbert Ziegler, Heather Streets Salter. [ Livre]

Auteur principal: Bentley,, Jerry.Auteur secondaire: Ziegler,, Herbert.;Salter,, Heather Streets.Langue : anglais.Pays : ??.Mention d'édition: 1st ed.Publication : [S.l.] : : McGraw-Hill,, 2006.Description : (675 p. ) : ill. en coul. , couv.ill.en coul. ; 26 cmISBN : 0073534536; 9780073534534.
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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 Livre Livre Bibliothèque Universitaire Mohamed Sekkat
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Traditions & Encounters: A Brief Global History , the highly-anticipated concise version of Bentley and Ziegler's best-selling survey text, provides a streamlined account of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history. With an engaging narrative, strong thematic approach, visual appeal, and solid pedagogy, it offers enhanced flexibility and affordability without sacrificing the features that have made the complete text a favorite among instructors and students alike.

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